Aconcagua Argentina – Impossible to forget this adventure

The values

Another singularity of this Aconcagua season will be that the tariffs for all activities will only be in force for foreigners, discriminated between Latin Americans and the rest of the world. Argentine climbers who want to do trekking or ascent will not have to pay anything this season.

However, except for trekking for a day without overnight, to enter the Park for any activity it should be done through one of the companies that provide services.

Aconcagua Expeditions

This determination will certainly not be without controversy. The explanation of the authorities for such a decision is that only through the companies can the sanitary protocols be enforced to the letter, essential for the success of the Aconcagua season.

Basically, the purchase of the entry permit (or just the registration if you are Argentine) must be done through the companies, in order to have a strict control of the people inside the Park. That, plus the restroom service and waste management, it is an obligation to hire private companies, with the same purpose: to limit the health risk to the minimum possible.

Aconcagua Climb

Some broken yes, others no

Unlike previous years, there will be no activity in the Vacas River Valley. Nobody will be able to enter through this circuit towards the Plaza Argentina camp and the 360º route and the Polacos glacier. These routes will be closed this summer 2021-2022.

On the other hand, trekking activities will be enabled in the Matienzo ravine, recently added to the Aconcagua Provincial Park area. In this case, the possible tours are the Potrero Escondido lagoon, the Pedro Zanni hills, Mirador del Tolosa or Peñas Coloradas, all considered as trekking, daily or short.

As for medical and helicopter services, these will remain active as usual. But only during the period of ascents to the summit, between January 1 and February 15.

Climbing Aconcagua

The porters will be able to carry out their work as every Aconcagua season. But always within the payroll of an expedition or registered in some association or cooperative that groups them, and that is registered. Therefore, the work of “free” porters will not be allowed.

Each mountaineer who intends to make a long trek or ascent must have and prove an insurance or evacuation or medical assistance service that covers him in the event of an eventuality. Mountaineers of Argentine nationality are exempt from this measure. The costs of entry permits for foreigners in the different modalities for this season are as follows:

recreational trekking

Horcones Ravine to Durazno Ravine

Foreigner: $820

Latin American: $550