Your search to know how to climb Aconacagu with little risk ends here. Though there is a perception that it is easy to climb Aconcagua as it is the highest non-technical mountain worldwide, many challenges exist. The unpredictable weather conditions in Aconcagua, Argentina, are one of the significant reasons for it. Also, the high altitudes of around 23,000 feet or 7,000 meters are another major reason for many issues. There will be little oxygen at high altitudes causing breathing problems and others for Aconcagua climb in the last few thousand feet and meters.
So, check out the many ways to climb Aconcagua without risks but enjoy every foot to reach the summit with joy, happiness and pride to have for a lifetime.
What are the challenges of climbing Aconcagua?
Aconcagua is America’s highest mountain, with a panoramic view over 23,000 feet above sea level. Hence it is the dream of not only Americans to climb Aconcagua but many adventure-seeking and climbing-passionate people worldwide. But every year, during the low and high seasons, many return without reaching the peak because of many problems. Also, some have serious health and other issues, even to be fatal though there are no specific statistics as proof. It is because of the harsh weather and high altitude of Mount Aconcagua to have many risks. Temperatures below minus 20 degrees and high-speed winds are the few reasons for such risks.
Seven ways to change the challenges to opportunities of climbing Aconcagua
If you have a burning passion for climbing Aconcagua, no challenge can stop you from making your dream a reality. With the best Aconcagua guided climb, it is possible to change the challenges to opportunities to climb Aconcagua without many risks. The following are the ways to do it to have safe and enjoyable Aconcagua ascents.
- Provide proper planning from booking Aconcagua expeditions with an experienced legal company.
- Give proper advice and guidance for being fit and ready with proper exercises, correct diet and others.
- Offer all support to increase mental strength, which is essential to overcome the many challenges climbing AconcaguaHelp to choose the right route as per the fitness levels, climbing experience and others for a safe climb of Aconcagua without many risks.
- Offer all support from getting down the flight to reach the Mendoza accommodation with proper transport facilities.
- Give all guidance and support to get the permit from the Provincial Park authorities, as it is mandatory for a personal appearance with proper documents.
- Offer the best acclimatization programs to adjust to the high altitudes in the camps to increase the chances of reaching a peak.
- Give enough practice to using crampons in the camps as they may be useful while reaching the peak.
The above facts and ways will help you to know how to climb Aconcagua without many risks but only with happiness, excitement and satisfaction of making your long-time dream of climbing Aconcagua a reality.