Aconcagua Climbing – Always listen to the advice of the guide

Today there is a discussion about the dinner menu, half the group wants capletines and the other half polenta, tomorrow when I write the diary the mystery will have been revealed. It’s 5 pm and I’m going to read a little.

Tomorrow we are going to carry food to Nido de Cóndores (5500 meters), so we will go up with more weight than today, we will see how it goes. I hope the weather is with us.

Today I had a medical check-up, in the health tent in Plaza de Mulas, (in Mendoza I have 60) and an oxygen saturation of 80% (in Mendoza I have 94%) given the height all good.

Saturday 07 /02 /05

“No, to remain and pass, is not to endure, it is not to exist, nor to honor life. There are so many ways of not being, so much consciousness without knowing numb… because it is not the same as living… honoring life ”

We leave at 10 a.m. for Nido de Cóndores (5500mts), we pass through Plaza Canada at 1:30 p.m. and arrive at Nido de Cóndores at 3 p.m.

We made a good time but the effort was great, in the last 300 meters I understood what it means to climb with the head. There comes a time when the legs do not want more, in any other situation one stops, but here you have to continue, then you start thinking about your great and beautiful dream, about your loved ones, about all those who trust in you and in your commitment, it’s incredible but I imagined them all Aconcagua Hike encouraging me Cuca, Carlos, Guillermo, Liliana, Pablo, Gonzalo, Jimena, Carla and Paula I dedicated several minutes to each one and they all gave me energy. Also my dear friends from the mountain José Luis, Sergio and Hugo with whom I climbed Lanín. I am sure that they are not here physically for other reasons , but they are with me spiritually and they also gave me their energy . Everyone told me that I could and the energy came back!!! I arrived with tears in my eyes, like now when I write this remembering everything, what I am experiencing is very strong and I thank life for this opportunity. I wonder if this is how the 5500mts are like the 7000mts will be… I’ll solve it in due course. Aconcagua Expeditions

I brought hot tea of ​​different herbs, I drank it when I arrived and vomited immediately, tea was always poison for me, the question is why do I experiment at this point, is it the lack of oxygen? They took a picture of me throwing it away with a lot of anger. Aconcagua Climb

The descent cost me a lot, I felt my legs were weak.